Marine Services Prices

Please find below the complete list of prices for Marine Services.  While we do make services available for non-members, we strongly encourage people to “join the club” as there are significant price advantages for members.  Associate Members must wait three months after joining the club to secure access to member marine services rates.

Rates Updated:  02/27/2025

Marine Service Rates for Senior Members (and Associate Members with small boats*)Rates for Associate Members with large boats**

Rates for Non-Members
Rate Availability Rates available immediately after joining the clubRates only available after three months of membershipAlways available
Berth - Seasonal - Berths can only be occupied by boats that are registered with the office. Members cannot sublet their berths to other members or non-members. You are required to notify the office if your boat is sold or you no longer need your berth.

Beam (Width) x $79.09
Not Available

Not Available
Berth - WeeklyLength (LOA) x $6.30Length (LOA) x $9.45Not Available
Berth - DailyLength (LOA) x $1.31
Length (LOA) x $1.58
Length (LOA) x $2.10
Moorings - Seasonal
Moorings - Weekly
Moorings - Daily
Free (3 consecutive nights maximum); $31.50 additional days
Not Available
Free (3 consecutive nights maximum); $36.75 additional days
Not Available
Not Available
Sailing Dinghy Storage in the Learn to Sail Area$131.25 per season (free if being used in the LTS program)$157.50 per season (free if being used in the LTS program)Not Available
Dinghy/Tender Storage in designated dinghy areas$131.25 per season (free if associated with a boat that is renting a berth)$157.50 per season (free if associated with a boat that is renting a berth)Not Available
Hauling for Inspection / Repairs - Extra travel lift charges (See Crane/Travel Lift Usage) will apply if inspection/repairs take longer than 1 hour.$367.50$420$472.50
Overnight in the Slings -This additional charge is applied if the boat is left in the slings of the travel lift over night. This allows for extra time to make repairs, allow paint to dry etc. (Must be the last haul of the day)$63$63$183.75
Haul/Launch no yard move on club designated dates$180.60$180.60$451.50
Haul/Launch on club designated dates - Haul or Launch on dates designated by club General Manager. $225.75$225.75$451.50
Haul/Launch no yard move on non club designated dates$234.78$234.78$451.50
Haul/Launch on non club designated dates dates - Haul or Launch on dates not designated by club General Manager. Dates not associated with the spring launch or fall haulout. $293.48$293.48$451.50
Travel Lift Turn Around Fee Charge for boats with mast up or fly-bridge or equipment that is higher than the travel lift cross beam. Only applies when boat is being placed on a trailer/cradle. WaivedWaived$52.50
Jack Stands and Blocking - Charge to secure vessel in the yard that is not equipped with a cradle. This service is only available for short term summer storage. $63$63$126
Winter Storage with a berth Boats normally require cradles (preferred) or trailers for winter storage. Jackstand storage requires approval by the Marine Services Committee.Length (LOA) x Beam (Width) x $1.31Not AvailableNot Available
Winter Storage without a berth Boats normally require cradles (preferred) or trailers for winter storage. Jackstand storage requires approval by the Marine Services Committee.Length (LOA) x Beam (Width) x $1.71Not AvailableNot Available
Summer Storage Boats normally require cradles (preferred) or trailers for summer storage. Jackstand storage requires approval by the Marine Services Committee. A surcharge of $100 will be charged to boats on their third back-to-back summer in summer storageBeam x $79.10Not AvailableNot Available
Mast Installation / Removal$136.50$136.50$210
Mast Installation / Removal (manual move)$89.25$89.25$210
Mast Storage (Summer or Winter Season) $26.25 per season$26.25 per seasonNot Available
Yard Days - Time in yard during the summer season$0$26.25 per season$36.75 per day
Cradle Storage (Summer season)
Cradle Storage (Winter season)
Trailer Storage (Summer season)
Trailer Storage (Winter season)
- This charge will apply to trailers and cradles that are not associated with boats that have berths or pay for winter storage.
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
30/50 Amp Power - Charge for using 30/50 amp power receptacles. 15 amp power is included in berth fees. Members are cautioned to be careful with power use as it is a shared resource. Not available for every berth.15 Amp - included in berth fees
30 Amp - $246.75 per connection per season (where available)
50 amp - $367.50 per connection per season (where available)
Not ApplicableNot Applicable
Lockers- Single
Lockers - Double
$26.25 per season$26.25 per seasonNot Available
Not Available
Boats Moved in Yard with Hydraulic Trailer$126$126$210
Boats Moved in Yard with Travel Lift$241.50$241.50$367.50
Labour Rate per person at the discretion of the yard and club manager$57.75 per hour$57.75 per hour$84 per hour
Crane/Travel Lift Usage (minimum 1 hour)$168 per hour$168 per hour$336 per hour
Small Crane "Picker" Usage (minimum 1 hour)$84 per hour$84 per hour$168 per hour


  •  All prices subject to HST
  • “Club Designated”  Spring launch / Fall haulout dates will be assigned by Management in coordination with      Marine Services and published on the RKYC website calendar
  • All dimensions are in feet
  • * A “small boat” is defined 18 feet or less (LOA) and 99 horsepower or less.
  • ** A “large boat” is defined as 19 feet (LOA) or longer and/or over 100 horsepower.
  • All prices/rates are subject to change at the direction of the Management and Club Executive.
  • This price list is a guideline, for actual fees, contact the office for a quote.