
While the RKYC is a private Club, the Clubhouse, grounds and docks are open to guests.

Lighting in the yard and marina is provided with 40-foot light standards. All docks are also equipped with photo-sensitive fixtures that illuminate at dusk.

The Clubhouse opens each day at 8 am. Closing is usually at 9 pm, except on evenings when events are scheduled. The Clubhouse is also equipped with a computerized security camera system.

While the RKYC offers a comprehensive security system, members and guests are advised that they use the facilities at their own risk. The RKYC assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen items. All those using the marina and Clubhouse should exercise due caution with regards to their boats, tenders and other personal possessions. Boat owners are strongly advised to lock their vessels whenever they are left unattended. Motors should also be securely locked, as should vehicles and bicycles parked on the premises. It is also advisable to store equipment and supplies in rental lockers in the spar shed. Ladders and other large items are best stored at home.

The Club’s security is every member’s responsibility. Members should always be on the look-out for and report any suspicious activity to either a daytime staff member or the night watchman, as appropriate. Let’s keep our Club safe and secure!