RKYC Fixture Card Advertisers and Suppliers
RKYC Fixture Card Advertisers and Suppliers
Please find below the contact information for our Fixture Card advertisers. Many of the companies listed here are owned by club members and sell products and services that may be useful to RKYC members.
Companies/members that advertise in the RKYC fixture card are entitled to have their contact and business information listed on this page. Please contact the RKYC office to reserve your ad for next year's Fixture Card. Prices start at $200 and artwork for the website should be 1200 pixels wide x 600 pixels high. Ad sizes for the Fixture Card are 1/3 page: 5" x 2.5", 1/2 page: 5" x 4" and and full page: 5" x 8" in JPG or PDF.
Seaside Woodworks
Custom Fabrication and Repair
Proprietor/Member: Ross Phinney
Telephone: 506-647-1863
Email: phinros@nbnet.nb.ca
Website: www.seasidewoodworks.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SeasideWoodworks
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
Brothers Cove Ventures
Full Service Marine Shop
Proprietor/Member: Geodie Ring
Telephone: 506 652-2879
Email: brothers-cove-ventures@rogers.com
Website: www.brotherscoveventures.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/brotherscove
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
Ship & Shore
Commercial Waste Removal
Proprietor/Member: Ken Ward and Jennifer Irvin
Telephone: 506-633-8084
Email: info@shipandshore.ca
Website: shipandshore.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ShipandShore
Twitter: @ship_shore
Instagram: @shipandshoresj
Millidgeville Marine
Chandlery / Marine Products Retail / Services for Boats
Proprietor/Member: Brian (Bear) McKenney
Telephone: 866-633-1454
Email: millidge@nbnet.nb.ca
Website: www.millidgevillemarine.ca
Facebook: None
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
The Ultimate Mover
Household & Business Moving
Proprietor/Member: Peter McIntyre
Telephone: 506 672-6683
Email: ultimatemover@rogers.com
Website: None
Facebook: None
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
Great Eastern Boat Company
Marine Surveying and Yacht Supplies
Proprietor/Member: Bob West
Telephone: 506 260-6318
Email: greateasternboat@gmail.com
Website: None
Facebook: None
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
S. G. Merritt
Boat Building / Fibreglass Repair / Welding
Proprietor/Member: Stacey Merritt
Telephone: 506 609-6643 (Please Text)
Email: s.m.marine@hotmail.com
Website: None
Facebook: None
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
Tech Ally
Technology for Business
Proprietor/Member: Peter Clark
Telephone: 506 799-5803
Email: info@techally.ca
Website: www.techally.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/techally
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
Canadian Power & Sail Squadron
Courses Related to Boating
Proprietor/Member: Gary Steeves
Telephone: 1-888-CPS-BOAT
Email: None
Website: www.cps-ecp.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CPSboat
Twitter: twitter.com/cpsboat
Instagram: www.instagram.com/cpsboat/
DCS Laboratory Services
Water Testing
Proprietor/Member: John Thomas
Telephone: 506 693-7556
Email: lab@saintjohnwatertest.com
Website: www.saintjohnwatertest.com
Facebook: None
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
Maritime Ship & Yacht
Yacht Broker
Proprietor/Member: Ernest Hamilton
Telephone: 506 634-1672
Email: msy@nbnet.nb.ca
Website: www.msy.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/msybi
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
Flewelling Press Ltd.
Printer / Promotional Material / Yacht Graphics
Proprietor/Member: Ron Stewart
Telephone: 506-634-1654
Email: info@flewwellingpress.com
Website: www.flewwellingpress.com
Facebook: None
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
Donna Mazerolle & Associates
Chartered Professional Accountants
Proprietor/Member: Donna Mazerolle
Telephone: 506-657-4067
Email: info@donnamazerolle.com
Website: www.donnamazerolle.com
Facebook: None
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
Atlantic Euro Cars Inc
Car Dealership - Sales and Service
Proprietor/Member: Hup Clark
Telephone: 506-638-9340
Email: info@atlanticeurocars.ca
Website: www.atlanticeurocars.ca
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
Northeast Yachts
Yacht Brokerage
Proprietor/Member: Capt. Bob Harrity
Telephone: 506 652-4220/506 647-2024
Email: bob@northeastyacht.com
Website: www.northeastyachts.com
Facebook: None
Twitter: None
Instagram: None
Pomodori Pizzeria
Proprietor/Member: Keith Dunphy
Telephone: 506-652-6600
Email: info@pomodori.com
Website: www.pomodori.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pomodoripizzeria
Twitter: www.twitter.com/pomodori_pizza
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pomodori_pizzeria
Trafton Agencies Inc
Purveyer of Fine Wines and Spirits
Proprietor/Member: Aaron & Margie Trafton
Telephone: 506 636-1820
Email: None
Website: www.theeldoradorum.com
Facebook: @eldoradorum
Twitter: None
Instagram: #eldoradorum
J.M. & C.W. Hope Grant Ltd
Insurance Broker
Proprietor/Member: Macgregor Grant
Telephone: 506 634-1030
Email: insure@hopegrant.com
Website: www.hopegrant.com
Facebook: @HopeGrantInsurance
Twitter: None
Instagram: None