Guidelines for berth assignments

Policy Updated:  5/3/2024


It is not the intent of the Club Manager or the Marine Services Committee (MSC) to radically reassign all the berths. The intent is to establish guidelines to provide a framework for the fair and equitable assignment of berths in the marina in a consistent and safe manner.


Responsibilities for the Assignment of Berths

To effectively manage the operation of the Club, and the marina, the assignment of berths is the responsibility of the club manager working within the guidelines established by the RKYC Manager and Marine Services Committee.

  • The Marine Services Committee in conjunction with the Club Manager will annually review the berthing assignments in the marina prior to the spring assignment of berths and the Club Manager will communicate any changes to the members.
  • The chair of the Marine Services Committee will act or appoint a designated committee member from MSC each year to work with the club manager regarding the marina and berth assignments.
  • The Club Manager will consult with the Marine Services Committee (MSC) with respect to the best usage of space within the marina to maximize safety and accommodate the maximum number of members’ boats.


The Primary Considerations

Safety and suitability must always be the priority when assigning berths.

  • All existing berth assignments within the marina will be reviewed annually based on safety for all the boats berthed within the marina.
  • Primary considerations are safety with respect to length, beam, height, and displacement.
  • Active Senior members’ primary boats will have priority when berths are assigned based on seniority as laid out in the fixture card. 

Senior Members Renewing a Berth in the RKYC Marina  

If a senior member had a berth in the previous year they will have priority for a berth in the current year, provided they meet the following conditions.

  • Accounts are in good standing.
  • Boat must carry a minimum of $1,000,000 liability coverage year-round.
  • They must apply at for a berth by the date specified with the official berth and storage request form each spring.
  • They have the same boat as the previous year.
  • If they have a new boat, that can be safely accommodated in the same or similar berth as their previous berth.
  • Should their new boat require a larger or deeper berth, or better-protected berth, every effort will be made to adjust the berth assignments to accommodate them. If they cannot be accommodated, then they will receive priority on the waiting list.
  • Although consideration is made to meet the wishes of the members, the club cannot guarantee the same berth each year.


Senior Members with More Than One Boat in the RKYC Marina 

Senior members with more than one boat in the RKYC marina will receive the following considerations with respect to berth assignment.

  • The Senior member’s primary boat receives consideration first in all cases. The primary boat shall be determined by the member and noted on the official berth and storage request form for that boat each year.
  • The Secondary boat shall be determined by the member and shall be noted on the second official berth and storage request form from the member for the second boat.
  • Secondary boats will receive consideration for a berth after all Senior members and primary boats have been accommodated in an appropriate berth. (Senior members who had a secondary berth prior to 2023, are exempted and not affected by this change. It will apply to second berth requests going forward.)
  • Secondary boats may be offered any available berths not assigned as primary boat berths.
  • Secondary boats may be assigned berths deemed safe for that boat but unsafe or not appropriate for other boats that are too large or heavy to be safely accommodated.
  • Where multiple secondary boat applications are received the RKYC Club manager will assign berths to secondary boats based on seniority as laid out in the fixture card. 


New Requests for Berths from Senior members – Waiting List Policy

The waiting list is established annually based on berth applications received in advance of berth cutoff date each spring for boat owners who have applied but who cannot be accommodated at the time of berth assignment. To maintain your position / status on the waiting list you must maintain an appropriate membership and reconfirm by applying on the official berth and storage request form each spring.

The order of priority for the assignment of available berths within the RKYC Marina will be as follows:

  • Accounts are in good standing.
  • Boat must carry a minimum of $1,000,000 liability coverage year-round.
  • Active Senior Member renting in the marina (full rate) currently with a new boat that needs a different berth who does not currently have a berth that will fit the new boat.
  • Active Senior Member who had mooring for the entire previous year. All Active Senior Members using a mooring will be accommodated based on seniority as laid out in the fixture card.
  • New Senior Member with a boat deemed to be of a size that the club can accommodate based on when they applied for a berth and how long they have been on the waiting list.
  • New or Active Associate Member with a boat deemed to be of a size that the club can accommodate based on when they applied for a berth and how long they have been on the waiting list.